

I Cast Shield is an italian blog about RPGs, mainly focused on Dungeons & Dragons 5e. The blog’s main feature are our detailed and comprehensive guides to classes and archetypes. We are working on translating and releasing our articles in english, to expand our community and spread our hatred for gnomes across the globe. 


"It is no exageration or hyperbole that all evils of the world are endorsed and committed by gnomes. A gnome feels no empathy, nor remorse; no common humanity that separates us from simple beasts. The only "love" a gnome can feel, if you dare describe it so, is that for money. A gnome would sooner sell his own mother for a pouch of silver than do a single good deed in his entire gaping hole of an existance."


Player known for his crazy builds. Former member of Adventurers League Pisa and The Agency, has participated in numerous events as a Dungeon Master, including Lucca Comics&Games, Pisacon and Uplay, running introductory One Shot sessions for novices.


A player with no ends and no limits, he would need more time to be able to play everything he wants. He has a natural predisposition to empathize with the bad guys, even if his main alter ego is a Paladin devoted to the good and has done a dissertation on Monsters. A lover of miniatures and with an icy sense of humor that has Groucho Marx as its idol. Go Skaven!